Founder of Tokopedia Pleased with Political Parties Support for Anies in Jakarta Gubernatorial Race

JAKARTA– Leontinus Alpha Edison, Co-Founder of Tokopedia, has been following the political dynamics ahead of the 2024 simultaneous regional elections, including in Jakarta. He expressed his pleasure that several political parties have already declared their support for Anies Rasyid Baswedan.

“I am grateful that Mr. Anies' spirit is being recognized by the political parties. Even though the process is ongoing, as parties have their mechanisms, the DPW Jakarta has already recommended him. But it still requires approval from the DPP,” he explained on Sunday, June 16, 2024.

During several previous meetings, the Co-Captain of Timnas AMIN during the 2024 Presidential Election, received a strong impression that Anies' spirit to advance the country is immense. For example, Anies' focus on education, which requires many improvements.

In the context of Jakarta, Anies once talked to him about Kampung Susun Bayam (KSB), which was inaugurated on October 12, 2022, just four days before he stepped down as Governor of Jakarta.

KSB, which was intended for residents of Kampung Bayam affected by the construction of the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS), still captures Anies' attention as the community has not yet been able to occupy it.

“It’s frustrating. His work was almost done. The finishing touches were left as he was about to finish his term as governor. His attention is still very much there,” said the inspirational young figure born on March 19, 1981.

Anies also frequently discusses public transportation in Jakarta. Leontinus explained that Anies has successfully built integrated public transportation infrastructure, including the presence of micro public transport (JakLingko/Mikrotrans), resulting in an increase in public transport users.

However, Anies is still not satisfied as it is still below other cities in neighboring countries. “In advanced countries like Japan, even 60 percent of people use public transportation. Singapore also has a significant number. Jakarta is the smallest,” he elaborated.

Leontinus is happy that Anies' high spirit to develop Jakarta has been well-received by political parties, showing their willingness to nominate him in the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election. He believes this is a perfect match.

“One has the spirit to build, the other has the political power to determine which leader is suitable to support,” he said.

He hopes the support shown by several political parties will come to fruition so that Anies can become a contestant in the gubernatorial election on November 27, 2024.

“I hope it aligns. Party friends should nominate someone with a proven track record and high spirit. That's how I see it,” said Leontinus Alpha Edison.

As is known, besides DPW PKB Jakarta, which has officially recommended Anies as the sole candidate to the DPP, PKS and PDIP have also proposed Anies' name to their respective DPPs to be nominated as gubernatorial candidates.

Earlier, DPP NasDem had also stated they would prioritize Anies. In recent developments, Chairman of DPP PSI Kaesang Pangarep also expressed his desire to pair with Anies in this Jakarta gubernatorial election.

PDIP Recognition

Co-Founder of Tokopedia Leontinus Alpha Edison welcomes PDI Perjuangan's interest in nominating Anies Baswedan as a gubernatorial candidate. He also appreciates the desire of DPP PSI Chairman Kaesang Pangarep to partner with Anies in the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election.

As the Co-Captain of Timnas AMIN during the 2024 Presidential Election, he is pleased that parties previously opposed to Anies now acknowledge the former governor's success in leading Jakarta. Hence, they are interested in working with Anies to lead Jakarta in the next period.

“In my mind, this is good. Many groups that previously had differing views and principles now recognize that there is a leader whose work has proven to be good,” he said when contacted by KBA News, Sunday, June 16, 2024.

“Maybe when they went to the field or party cadres who were previously opposed felt that there were many testimonies from the community about Anies' good leadership,” he continued.

However, he cannot judge whether one of the two parties above is suitable to accompany Anies Baswedan. He emphasized that he is not a politician.

“But certainly, I am happy that PDIP and PSI, which were known to be opposed to Anies, now acknowledge the leadership of Ms. Fery Farhati's husband.”

“And what makes me happy is that besides recognizing Mr. Anies' leadership, these opposing friends also take a positive perspective. So, it's not just because they had differing principles before and now continue to reject,” he said.

“One side acknowledges, and the other wants to acknowledge. So, the direction seems positive to me. I am happy even though there are many dynamics. Because I am not a politician, I lack political feelings,” added the inspirational young man affectionately called Leon.

He added that Anies' companion should be a reliable executor. That means they should be able to implement Anies Baswedan's ideas to advance Jakarta quickly and concretely. “I envision a leader supported by a reliable executor,” he emphasized.

As is known, DPD PDI Perjuangan Jakarta included Anies' name as one of the gubernatorial candidates recommended to the DPP for nomination in this Jakarta gubernatorial election. They hope Anies will pair with a PDIP cadre.

Additionally, Kaesang also wants to pair with Anies. The youngest son of President Joko Widodo has been increasingly vocal about his desire in public recently.