Anies: Caring for the People is More Important than Jakarta Election Discourse

JAKARTA– Jakarta Governor from 2017-2022, Anies Baswedan, stated that he does not mind President Joko Widodo and the chairmen of the political parties in the Coalition for Indonesia's Advancement (KIM) gathering at the Merdeka Palace.

In that meeting, they discussed potential candidates for the 2024 Jakarta Regional Elections. According to him, such meetings are part of the normal political process. He is not worried about KIM's maneuvers in the upcoming Jakarta gubernatorial election.

“I have no special response because it is a normal political process that happens everywhere,” Anies said when met in the Lebak Bulus Dalam area, Fatmawati, South Jakarta, Monday, June 17, 2024.

The former Minister of Education and Culture emphasized that the people of Jakarta need special attention, particularly the small and weak.

“For us, the important thing is that most of Jakarta's people need special attention, especially those who are small, weak, who come to Jakarta for a better life, and those who live in this city to be more prosperous,” he explained.

“My focus is there, not on political processes. I think it's more important to think about the fate of residents like those in Kampung Bayam and densely populated villages, which have not been prioritized recently,” he added.

He stressed that Jakarta is a city for everyone, not just for the prosperous.

“This city is a city for everyone. Not just a city for the already prosperous, but a city for those who want to become prosperous,” he said.

The former Presidential Candidate 01 leaves the judgment to the public regarding the meeting between Jokowi and the coalition party leaders.

“Let the public be the judge,” he said firmly.

Kampung Bayam Residents

Anies Baswedan emphasized that the welfare of the Kampung Susun Bayam residents in North Jakarta, who are still struggling to find housing, needs to be addressed.

He made this statement in response to Golkar Party Chairman Airlangga Hartarto's comment that Ridwan Kamil is 'on the way' to Jakarta, while Anies Baswedan is just starting to move.

“The important thing is the Jakarta residents, not who is running in the election,” Anies told the media in Lebak Bulus Dalam, Fatmawati, South Jakarta, Monday, June 17, 2024.

He stressed that whoever runs in the 2024 gubernatorial election will work for the people of Jakarta.

He mentioned that there are many issues to be addressed in Jakarta, such as unemployment and the plight of Kampung Bayam residents.

“This is all for Jakarta, so residents can experience an equitable city. Those who need jobs get jobs, those who need protection get protection. It’s more important to talk about Kampung Bayam than to leave it neglected,” he said.

Anies left the choice to the people of Jakarta for the upcoming election in November 2024.

“The choice is up to the people of Jakarta, we will wait and see,” he said.