Anies' Legacy Endures in Flood Control, Services, Permits, and Transport

JAKARTA – Tugas Supriyanto, a publishing business owner in East Jakarta, revealed that his neighbors truly hope Anies Baswedan will run again in the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election. One of the most appreciated initiatives is the construction of various reservoirs that serve as flood prevention facilities.

"For example, the reservoir near my house in Cilangkap is extremely beneficial. It significantly reduces flooding and serves as a rainwater storage area. In the evening, many children and adults enjoy their time there. The air is cooler because the reservoir covers several hectares," said Tugas Supriyanto during a conversation in Jakarta, Tuesday afternoon, May 21, 2024.

Furthermore, Tugas highlighted the availability of the Jaklingko transportation network, which allows residents to travel anywhere affordably and comfortably. Jaklingko has become the lifeline of Jakarta's transportation system, helping to reduce household expenses.

"Moreover, since Anies' tenure, public services at local government offices in Jakarta have become more accessible. Everything is quicker and digital. Local officials no longer dare to engage in petty corruption," he added.

The community atmosphere in his neighborhood has also been peaceful during Anies' administration. There are no longer conflicts like before. Anies managed to create peace and happiness among residents. The disputes and conflicts seen on social media during Anies' time as governor did not affect the daily lives of the residents. The anticipated division was merely a 'game' played by social media buzzers.

"One example is a friend's church in Pondok Gede, near the Lubang Buaya area. The church had struggled to obtain its permit under several governors, but thanks to Anies, it was granted. My friend's church is now undergoing major renovations," he firmly stated.

Meanwhile, Susanti, a resident of Kreo who uses the Transjakarta Bus to get to her workplace in Jakarta Utara, mentioned that public transportation has made her daily activities easier and more affordable. The Transjakarta Bus is comfortable. Public transportation is no longer as cramped as it was during the era of city buses and Metro Mini.

"I am greatly assisted. Public transportation facilities like the Bus Way are safe. We, women and the elderly, are respected. The lost culture of courtesy among the capital's residents is beginning to return. Everyone boards the bus orderly because the system enforces it," shared Susanti, describing her personal experience commuting to and from work on the Trans Jakarta Bus every morning and evening.