Anies Vision: Jakarta, a City of Equality for All

JAKARTA – National figure Anies Baswedan celebrated Eid al-Adha 1445 H with hundreds of volunteers, leaders, and community members part of the Jakarta Cares Society at White House Pekayon Raya, Wednesday (19/6).

During the event, hundreds participated in signing a 1-kilometer-long white cloth in support of Anies’s candidacy for Governor of DKI Jakarta for the 2024-2029 term.

"Thank you for your trust and the responsibility you’ve entrusted to us. We want our city to offer equal opportunities for everyone, and that's what we are fighting for together," Anies stated.

Anies emphasized that the 2024 Presidential campaign is over, and now all efforts are focused on winning for the people of Jakarta who need significant attention from the government.

"I want to remind everyone that the previous phase of struggle is over, and in this new phase, we concentrate on the citizens of Jakarta who need the government's help," he explained.

Moreover, Anies noted that Jakarta would become a major economic city in Indonesia and the world, and its citizens must feel this economic growth.

"We do not want the less privileged to have a difficult life in Jakarta. Future policies must favor justice, which means uplifting the small without diminishing the large, especially since Jakarta is an economic hub; the community deserves to experience economic growth," he elaborated.

Anies also urged volunteers to support each other so that the collective goal of making Jakarta a city of equality and justice can be achieved.

"Let’s focus on making the lives of Jakarta’s citizens peaceful; if God allows, what we’ve accomplished so far can be continued," Anies conveyed.

"And it requires collective effort. I entrust this to all of you; I hope we can support and back each other. Uniforms may differ, but our goal is the same," he added.

The former Governor of Jakarta was amazed to hear that thousands had participated in the support signature event for his gubernatorial candidacy for the 2024-2029 term on the 1-kilometer-long cloth.

"I want to express my gratitude for this event. I heard we’ve gathered quite a number of signatures here, right? There are 500 sheets, each 2 meters long. So, it totals 1000 meters, that means 1 kilometer," he remarked.

Then, the former Minister of Education and Culture reminded everyone that the 2024 Presidential campaign is over, and now all efforts should be concentrated on winning for the people of Jakarta who need governmental attention.

"So, ladies and gentlemen, we want to fight together over the long term, but I must remind us all that the previous phase of struggle is over, close the book on it," he stated.

"Now we begin a new phase and what are we concentrating on in this new phase? On the citizens of Jakarta who need attention, the citizens of Jakarta who need the government’s help," he continued.

That must be the collective focus. According to Anies, many aspects need focus in Jakarta, such as the equality of residents in Kampung Bayam. However, the challenges are not limited to Kampung Bayam but extend to other areas as well.

"This is what we need to focus on, as we discuss what is happening today. We don’t want the less privileged to have a difficult life," he clarified.

"So, it’s tough in Jakarta. I even heard yesterday that there was a change in the UN in Jakarta; this is an example of the kind of policies we need to adopt going forward, policies that favor what? Justice," he continued.

He mentioned that justice does not speak to one or two parties but to the value of justice itself. He also often shares his principle of uplifting the small without diminishing the large, strengthening the weak without weakening the strong.

"So, we want this city to be equal. We want this city to provide opportunities for everyone. Especially since this is an economic center, it's only right that those in Jakarta experience a good economy, a progressing economy, a thriving welfare."

"This is our focus, so the focus isn’t about who is with whom, it’s about the citizens of Jakarta," he revealed.