Betawi Strongman: Anies Successfully Boosts Betawi Residents Participation in Development

JAKARTA – The Betawi people, the indigenous residents of Jakarta, are keen to support Anies Baswedan again for Governor in the 2024 election due to his impressive track record during his first term. He successfully enhanced the participation of Betawi residents, making them proud of their ethnicity and religion.

The Chair of Jawara (Samson) Betawi across Greater Jakarta, H Hasan Basri, also known as Abi Cacang, stated this on Wednesday, June 19, 2024. "We love and appreciate Mr. Anies because during his first term, he acted very fairly and humanely."

He added that Anies's commitment to Islam and Betawi culture was evident. In previous times, religious practices and culture were often disrupted and restricted. Parades during the night of Takbiran and celebrations of the Prophet Muhammad's birthday were banned. During Anies's term, all these prohibitions and restrictions were lifted.

"He sincerely connected with the Betawi ethnic group. It can be said that Betawi people are 100% Muslim. He also showed great respect for religion," said the Commander of Jawara Betawi 411, which defends Religion and Clerics.

Not just Nurturing

Furthermore, Anies not only nurtured Islam but also other religions. He facilitated the permits for establishing worship places for other faiths. He also paid attention to minority religions by allowing the construction of a Sikh temple. He even updated Hindu cremation equipment.

"Not only that. Anies was the first governor to permit Christmas Carols along the main Thamrin-Soedirman road, which made the Christmas celebration more vibrant in Jakarta," he said.

With all these inclusive policies, Abi Cacang stated, there is no reason to say that Anies is supported by radical and exclusive Islamic groups. The residents of Jakarta, including the Betawi people, support Anies due to his flawless reputation and attitude.

"Anies has also proven to be anti-corruption, not engaging in nepotism, not cozying up to oligarchs. He governs with policies that are pro-people and biased towards the populace. It's natural that many people want him to be Governor again," said H Hasan Basri, aka Abi Cacang.