Dr. Dewi: Anies' Leadership in Jakarta is Proven

JAKARTA– Health practitioner Dr. Dewi Widyastuti, MSc., SpPD., FINASIM, strongly supports Anies Baswedan's candidacy in the upcoming Special Jakarta Area Governor Election (DKJ) this November. This is because Anies has already proven his leadership during his tenure as governor from 2017-2022.

“We need a figure of someone whose leadership, exemplary behavior, and results are already proven. Why should we look for someone else whose work quality is uncertain,” she explained when contacted on Monday, May 27, 2024.

If he were to lead Jakarta again, this internal medicine specialist practicing at a private hospital in East Jakarta believes the most urgent task for Anies would be to continue the programs that were altered or halted by the acting Governor of Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono.

This is because many residents are disappointed that the beneficial policies and programs initiated by Anies were not continued. “Perhaps that should be prioritized. Because we elect a local leader to fulfill the expectations of the community,” she revealed.

She also hopes that Anies improves the performance of the Provincial Government staff to be responsive and optimal in serving the citizens of Jakarta. Lastly, she still harbors hope that Anies will run for the Presidential Election in 2029.

“If possible, the people hope he can rise beyond just a governor. This is the voice of the people, not just one or two individuals,” stated the doctor who completed her Internal Medicine Specialist education at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).

Moreover, she actually believed Anies could have won the 2024 Presidential Election but lost due to what she suspects was widespread electoral fraud. “Many do not believe in the election results,” she emphatically stated.

As is known, besides the public, several political parties have already declared their support for Anies Baswedan, especially from the three parties that supported him in the last Presidential Election. These are NasDem, PKS, and PKB.

Even Golkar and PDIP at the Jakarta level are considering pairing Anies with their respective cadres. For instance, Golkar is open to pairing Anies with Ahmed Zaki Iskandar, who is the Chairman of Golkar Jakarta.

Meanwhile, PDIP Jakarta is proposing to pair Anies with their cadre, Praseyo Edi Marsudi, who is currently the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD.

As for Anies, he has yet to make a decision. He is still considering whether to run or not, as he mentioned while responding to community support during an event of greeting and Eid gathering with street vendors and residents of the Urban Poor Network (JRMK) in Kampung Marlina, North Jakarta last week.

“I told the ladies and gentlemen, I have received invitations from political parties, I've been offered, requested to be nominated as governor. Currently, I am considering. Whether to return or not,” said Anies.