Jakarta Residents Support Anies Baswedan to Lead Jakarta Again

JAKARTA– Anies Baswedan has again received support to lead Jakarta in the upcoming 2024-2029 gubernatorial election. This support flows from the residents of Jakarta, this time coming from the residents of Ciracas District, East Jakarta.

Chairperson of Ciracas City Residents, Sri Rahayu, mentioned several points of consideration to support Anies Baswedan. She evaluates that during his tenure as Governor of Jakarta, the performance of Anies was proven and felt by residents during the 2017-2022 period.

"This activity is an initiative from the residents to support Mr. Anies to lead Jakarta again. During his time in DKI, many residents experienced the successful works and programs of Mr. Anies," said Sri, contacted in Jakarta, Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

However, after the end of Anies Baswedan's term as the top official, many programs and policies of Anies were removed and cut by the Acting Governor of Jakarta, Heru Budi Hartono. Therefore, Sri said, the residents of Ciracas City hope the former Governor of Jakarta will become Governor again in the 2024 local elections.

"When DKI was left by Mr. Anies, many of his programs were cut and others. That's why we, the residents of DKI, choose Mr. Anies to become governor again," she added.

She hopes that the advancement of Anies Baswedan can restore all that and be able to resolve various aspirations and problems faced by residents today. Like the slogan "advance the city, happy the citizens."

"Mr. Anies must become governor, so Jakarta can progress again, no more floods, and assistance like KJP, elderly, and others are fulfilled. Not like it is now," she said.

Meanwhile, a resident of Ciracas, Cici, stated that Anies Baswedan can listen to the aspirations of the residents of Ciracas, East Jakarta. She then asked all residents of Ciracas to remain solid in winning Anies Baswedan as Governor of Jakarta 2024-2029.

"We hope this activity becomes an inspiration for Mr. Anies to lead Jakarta again. Hopefully, in the future, the Ciracas District team can solidly conduct vote gathering for Governor Anies in the Ciracas district," said Cici.

It is also noted, during his first term as Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies implemented many programs and policies. Among them, the Supplementary Food Provision Program for Schools.

This program has been felt in 620 schools spread across Jakarta targeting PAUD, SDN, SLBN, with a total number of beneficiaries of more than 150,000 schoolchildren.

Then, the 15-hectare river naturalization program, and the National Priority Program for Accelerated Systematic Complete Registration was handed over to 500 residents in East Jakarta District.

Other Anies' programs include Jaklingko transportation, Operational Assistance for Places of Worship, Jakarta Smart Card, Jakarta Health Card, KJMU to Priority Assistance for the Elderly.

Tamansari Residents Support

Governor Anies Baswedan has once again received support to lead Jakarta, this time the support comes from the residents of Taman Sari District, West Jakarta. The declaration was held at Jl. Lada Dalam No.69, RT.2/RW.6, Pinangsia, Taman Sari District, West Jakarta City, Wednesday (6/26/2024). "Hopefully Mr. Anies becomes governor again.

Mr. Anies is a very intelligent person, hopefully, the residents will be happy being led by Mr. Anies, God willing, Mr. Anies will get 75% of the votes in DKJ," said Arief, a spokesperson for the residents of Taman Sari.

He revealed that currently, the policies and programs of the Anies era are very well implemented, Mr. Anies also often directly provides assistance to residents. "Mr. Anies, during his tenure, managed to rebuild the evicted village, he often provided full 100% and smooth mosque assistance, even Mr. Anies also attended the inauguration of the Pancoran Glodok monument," he said.

In addition, he added, Mr. Anies' policies greatly facilitated the residents, including Jaklingko, Operational Assistance for Places of Worship, Jakarta Smart Card, Jakarta Health Card, KJMU to Priority Assistance for the Elderly.

"Thanks to Mr. Anies, Jaklingko, KJP, KJMU have been running well. Many residents have felt the benefits of these programs."

"I hope, hopefully, he becomes the governor of DKI Jakarta again," said Arief. He also stated, "There are still many more programs from the Anies era that directly benefit the community," he said.

"Based on this, today, the Residents' Council of Taman Sari City District consisting of residents from Pinangsia, Glodok, Krukut, Keagungan neighborhoods, declares support for Anies in the upcoming 2024 local elections," he concluded.