NasDem Hopes Anies Accepts Nomination to Run in the 2024 Jakarta Governor Election

JAKARTA– Support for the former Presidential Candidate Anies Baswedan to run in the Jakarta Special Region Governor Election (Pilgub DKJ) continues to pour in. The latest backing comes from the Jakarta faction of the NasDem Party.

The Chairman of NasDem's Jakarta Provincial Board, Wibi Andriano, hopes that Anies will accept his party's offer to run again in the Jakarta Governor Election.

According to him, many grassroots communities want Anies to run for Governor. He is confident that the Governor of Jakarta for the 2017-2024 period will listen to the people's aspirations.

"I believe Mr. Anies also hears the grassroots voices from our NasDem friends in Jakarta asking him to return to Jakarta," said Wibi, as quoted during the Kontroversi show on Metro TV, Tuesday, May 14, 2024.

Wibi explained that the hope for Anies to return to lead Jakarta stems from the ongoing needs of its citizens.

He hopes that Anies can accept NasDem's offer to become the Governor Candidate for Jakarta 2024 again.

"Of course, we believe that hope exists because we feel that Jakarta's need for our former governor Mr. Anies Baswedan to make a comeback is very significant," he stated.

He also mentioned that they have officially offered Anies to run in the Governor Election and invited him to once again help build Jakarta.

According to him, there are still many developments in Jakarta that need to be completed by Anies. Moreover, his track record during his previous term as Governor is considered very good.

"I have definitely contacted him, Mr. Anies, come back to Jakarta because this is truly Mr. Anies's home. Let's rebuild Jakarta which was temporarily left behind," continued Wibi.

Nevertheless, he respects Anies's desire to rest for now, although he still hopes Anies will respond positively to NasDem.

"He mentioned yesterday with the AMIN National Team that he needs time to pause for a moment. Hopefully, the results will be positive," he concluded.