New Jakarta Needs a Governor Like Anies Who is Ready to Face Complex Issues

JAKARTA – HM Nurhani Prayitno, Chairman of the Palmerah District RW Forum and also the leader of community harmony unit ()RW 03 in Palmerah Village, supports the community movement to nominate the former Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, to run in the upcoming Jakarta Special Region gubernatorial election in November.

"Mr. Anies will once again do his best for Jakarta and its residents," said Nurhadi, Saturday, May 18, 2024, responding to widespread news that Anies will return to Jakarta after the recently concluded presidential election.

Although Anies has not yet responded to the aspirations and hopes of the community, Nurhadi is confident that Anies will accept the nomination. Therefore, he hopes that the parties that supported him in the presidential election will support Anies again in the Jakarta gubernatorial election.

"I support and ask Mr. Anies to run again for DKJ 1. Because during his tenure as Governor, thankfully, all his campaign promises were fulfilled. Therefore, he deserves to return to City Hall," said Nurhadi, esteemed by the RW Chairmen in the Palmerah area of West Jakarta.

In addition, he added, the RT RW forum across DKJ has had a very good relationship with Anies when Anies was Governor. Nurhadi finds it hard to find a Jakarta official as simple and humble as Anies.

"He always supports RT-RW activities. He does not hesitate to help and often attends to provide input and support. He never hesitates to support positive activities for the advancement of the city province and its residents," said Nurhadi, who is close to Anies.


What we admire about Anies, he added, is that he has never been seen to flaunt and show emotion in public. "He has an incredible ability to control himself. He always respects subordinates and lower-ranking officers," added Nurhadi.

Anies also understands the conditions of the lower-class society and ordinary people. He offers sincere empathy, likes the people. He listens to complaints and provides solutions without demeaning or insulting the people.

"That's why I have no doubt supporting him to become DKJ 1 again. I am determined to fight alongside him both during the presidential election and if Anies decides to compete in the gubernatorial election this November," said one of the respected RW chairmen in Palmerah Village.

Therefore, he said, he will support Anies in the DKJ gubernatorial election. "I sincerely plead with Mr. Anies to be willing and ready to be nominated again for DKJ 1," said Nurhadi Prayitno.