Governor Anies Term II Expected to Dedicate His Best Work for the People

JAKARTA– Slamet Jaya, Chairman of the Jakarta Voters' Community Alliance (AMPIJA), expressed his support for Anies Baswedan to run again for the Governor of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta (DKJ). This is because it has been proven that he has given his best for the people.

He stated this on Friday, May 17, 2024, in response to the widespread news about the former Presidential Change candidate running for the Jakarta gubernatorial election for a second term.

"I and my friends strongly agree that Mr. Anies should run again because he has proven himself over five years leading Jakarta. Not once has he harmed or caused suffering and inconvenience to the citizens of Jakarta. He is an ideal leader who loves and is loved by the people," said the resident of Galur, Johar Baru, Central Jakarta.

Slamet added that everyone is satisfied, including schoolchildren from kindergarten to college. Various programs he implemented to help students in their education include the Smart Jakarta Card (KJP) and a free lunch program for schoolchildren.

For the elderly, Anies gradually provided ease for their welfare and comfort. Anies also showed his commitment to the common people. He protected the residents of Kampung Aquarium and Bantaran Ciliwung Jatinegara, who were evicted by Ahok. He also rejected the reclamation that harmed fishermen and only benefited developers looking for profit.

Anies provided a proper place in the Kampung Bayam apartments, the land they occupy by JIS. The principle of building without causing problems to the people was strictly adhered to by Anies.

Support for the Second Term

"We, the volunteers from AMPIJA, fully support Mr. Anies for the second term. We also expect the parties that supported Mr. Anies in the presidential election to endorse him again for the gubernatorial election," said the mentor of DPW PEJUANG ABW Jakarta.

To demonstrate seriousness, the Jakarta resident from Cirebon, along with volunteers part of the Anies Combatants, has visited the NasDem Party and PKB for this purpose. They are determined to support Anies in the Jakarta gubernatorial race.

"Therefore, we support and fight wholeheartedly for Mr. Anies' victory as Governor. Our reasons are clear. Because Mr. Anies is very smart and not arrogant in making decisions and policies in DKI during his first term. We believe he will continue and extend this into the second term," said Slamet.

Added that Anies is the only leader who can elevate the status of Jakarta residents. His motto is consistent and always implemented: "Advance the City, Happy the Citizens."

"I see Mr. Anies can understand the issues that develop within the community. I am confident Mr. Anies can do the best for the citizens of Jakarta. Therefore, it is necessary for these parties to provide support as required by law," concluded Slamet Jaya.

For the 2029 Presidential Election

Meanwhile, Ustaz H. Eka Jaya, the General Chairman of the community organization Lawyers and Champions Defend the Faith (PEJABAT), along with elements of the volunteer network supporting Anies Baswedan, are determined not to repeat the defeat of the 2024 Presidential Election.

Those involved in the Joint Forum (Forbes) for Change are preparing early to win the next contest.

In addition to pushing Anies to run for the Governor of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta (DKJ), they will also support and fight for local government candidates who align with the mission of the change movement in the simultaneous local elections of 2024.

"We are trying to inventory which local government heads align with us in the spirit of this change movement. We start rallying local government candidates who have the same vision and mission as us, and we will support them," he explained when contacted yesterday, Thursday, May 16, 2024.

"We will coordinate at all levels, both with ulama, habaib, kiai, and community leaders, about who in their region is ready to carry out this change movement for the nation," he continued.

From the explorations that have been conducted, they are grateful that so far, many candidates in this simultaneous local election align with the change mission and agree to collaborate to bring about change on a national scale through the upcoming 2029 Presidential Election.

"There are many. For example, in Bogor, there is a candidate named Haji Agus Salim. One of the PKS leaders in Bogor and also a member of the DPRD.

We try to support him because he is in line with our struggle. There are many local government candidates who are indeed ready," he asserted.

With this early mobilization of strength, they are optimistic that the change movement will be able to win the 2029 Presidential Election. Because everyone has been moving together from long ago.

"So later, when (Presidential Election) 2029 comes, meaning when everyone moves, of course, this change movement will be what we will advance for this nation. So from now, we start trying to rally strength," said Ustaz H. Eka Jaya.