PDIP Nominates Anies Baswedan, Strengthening Chances of Winning the Gubernatorial Election

YOGYAKARTA– The discourse on PDIP wanting to nominate Anies Baswedan in the Jakarta Special Region (DKJ) gubernatorial election has attracted the attention of several parties. One of the reasons is that PDIP has often opposed Anies, including during his tenure as Governor of DKI Jakarta from 2017-2022.

However, if this discourse materializes, Anies's chances of winning the Jakarta gubernatorial election will increase significantly. Especially if the Coalition for Change, which previously supported Anies in the 2024 Presidential Election, remains solid in endorsing Anies for the Jakarta gubernatorial race. So far, PKS and PKB at the Jakarta or regional (DPW) level have officially supported Anies in the DKJ gubernatorial election.

Professor at Yogyakarta State University (UNY), Prof. Dr. Dimyati MSi, stated that the combination of PDIP and PKS presents an extraordinary prospect. If this happens, Anies Baswedan's chances of winning are very high.

“PKS has the most votes in Jakarta (16.68 percent) with 18 seats in the Jakarta DPRD. PDIP is in second place (14.01 percent), not to mention the support from civil society,” he told on Wednesday, June 12, 2024.

Regardless of the existing dynamics, Prof. Dimyati highlighted the interesting aspect when PDIP considered nominating Anies Baswedan for the Jakarta gubernatorial election. “This dynamic is interesting because Anies and PDIP have often been at odds, with both considered to be on different poles,” he said.

According to him, PDIP has been perceived as a party that tends to lean to the left, while Anies Baswedan is more known as a figure who leans to the right. “They are united possibly because they share the same interest or common enemy. This is what makes PDIP interested in Anies,” he revealed.

Another interesting aspect is when Gerindra tends to nominate Ridwan Kamil for the Jakarta gubernatorial election. The former Governor of West Java is registered as a Golkar cadre.

Prof. Dimyati suspects that Gerindra's desire cannot be separated from the intention to block Kaesang's chances of running in the Jakarta gubernatorial election. “By nominating Kaesang, Prabowo feels overshadowed by Jokowi's power. Thus, proposing Ridwan Kamil in Jakarta in coalition with Golkar,” he said.

He admitted that it is still too early to analyze the Jakarta gubernatorial election. However, if the dynamics of the three poles occur, Anies Baswedan's chances of winning remain high.

“Anies's chances of winning are very high, but he needs to be wary of unexpected events. The solidity of Anies's supporters and endorsing parties must be strong,” he emphasized.