Could Anies-Kaesang Be the Sole Ticket Holder?

PDIP is starting to see Anies Baswedan as a figure for the future, as Anies currently has no equal competitor in the Jakarta gubernatorial election. Everyone is vying to take Anies as their candidate, including PDIP.

Jakarta's PDIP has agreed to endorse this former rival of Ahok for the Jakarta gubernatorial race. The Jakarta PDIP DPW (Regional Board) is only waiting for approval from the general chairperson, Megawati Soekarnoputri. Once the letter is issued, PDIP will declare Anies Baswedan, following PKB. PKB was the first to declare Anies Baswedan for the Jakarta gubernatorial election.

Not to be outdone by PDIP's maneuvers, Kaesang, the general chairman of PSI, also signals a desire to accompany Anies as his deputy governor. Can PSI be in the same boat with PDIP? Many are curious about this issue.

Not wanting to be left behind, PKS, which is notably the backbone of Anies Baswedan, is also making maneuvers. PKS will explore communication with PSI. Will PKS also agree to pair Anies-Kaesang? In politics, nothing is impossible. The only impossibility is “raising the dead.” Apart from that, everything is possible.

PKS has 18 seats in Jakarta, while PSI has 8 seats. Would PKS be willing to concede the deputy governor position to Kaesang to accompany Anies Baswedan? If this is made a condition for PKS to join the presidential palace coalition, perhaps this is a win-win solution.

There is no such thing as a free lunch. Everything has its price. In politics, that price can be negotiated. The art of politics or in diplomacy .’quid pro quo’ applies.

The nomination of Anies-Kaesang hinges on PKS. If PKS agrees, everyone will agree. Except for PDIP, which might not easily accept Kaesang, the youngest son of President Jokowi. What would the world say if PDIP also endorsed Kaesang? For PDIP, the Anies-Kaesang pairing would create dynamics within the party.

What about Kaesang's age, which is not yet 30 at the time of registration? While the KPU has not yet accommodated the Supreme Court decision to change the age rules in the General Election Regulations. Morally, this will be an issue. Although legally, everything can be conditioned by political intervention.

If PKS agrees to Anies-Kaesang, it would close the door for Ridwan Kamil to advance in DKJ. Ridwan Kamil would be forced back to West Java. His return to West Java would disrupt the Gerindra-PAN plan to pair Dedi Mulyadi – Bima Arya. In West Java, Ridwan Kamil is not easy to defeat. It's hard to find an opponent for him. It's different in Jakarta. Ridwan Kamil is vulnerable there.

Pairing Anies-Kaesang could open up the possibility of a single ticket from the political parties. Anies-Kaesang would be supported by PKS, PKB, Nasdem, PSI, Golkar, Gerindra, and PAN. Jokowi just needs to call the heads of these parties, and everything will be settled. In August, during the gubernatorial registration, Jokowi will still be the President of Indonesia.

Although Gerindra, through its spokesperson, continues to push for Ridwan Kamil to run in the Jakarta gubernatorial election, if Jokowi intervenes, all maneuvers will stop.

As for PDIP, this situation could make it difficult for the party led by Megawati to find coalition partners.

Currently, everyone is waiting to see how PKS responds to the Anies-Kaesang idea. Waiting for PKS's decision after meeting with PSI next week.

Dr. Tony Rosyid, Political Analyst and Columnist