YOGYAKARTA – Anies Baswedan stated that Pancasila Day, commemorated every June 1st, holds significant historical value for the Indonesian nation. On this Pancasila Anniversary, Anies invites everyone to revisit Bung Karno’s thoughts.
According to him, on Friday, June 1, 1945, Bung Karno spoke at the BPUPKI session. At that time, Bung Karno presented four basic principles of the state. “Often, we only remember Bung Karno for his first principle, namely Indonesian Nationalism, or nationalism,” Anies wrote on his Facebook account as quoted Saturday, June 1, 2024.
However, in his speech, Bung Karno immediately continued the first principle with other principles: the principle of internationalism or humanism, the principle of consensus or democracy, and the principle of social welfare.
“Therefore, being concerned about Indonesia’s role in maintaining world peace, ensuring that all nations have achieved their right to independence, is also the mandate of Pancasila,” said Anies.
**Under the Banner of Revolution**
Anies emphasized that upholding the principles of democracy is also the mandate of Pancasila. “Promoting the state to ensure social justice in all its policies is also the mandate of Pancasila, the mandate of Bung Karno,” he declared.
“On this momentous day, Pancasila Day, let us use it to revisit the thoughts of Bung Karno, as well as other founders of the nation, to reflect on the aspirations they had for this great nation. Happy Pancasila Day!”, Anies concluded in his post.
In his post, Anies displayed a book by Bung Karno titled *Di Bawah Bendera Revolusi* (Under the Banner of Revolution). The post received responses from netizens. At least at the time KBA News checked, the post was reacted to positively 302 times, with 18 comments, and shared 19 times.
One netizen commented, “Wow, Mr. Anies is reading DBR (Under the Banner of Revolution),” wrote Suratmin Hadi Siswanto.
Meanwhile, Sindu Budiardianto hopes that the nation's leaders will continue to embody nationalism. “Hopefully, our nation's leaders still possess a spirit of nationalism so it can be beneficial for the people. Not just rhetoric for the marginalized, but for everyone because every sweat of our nation's fighters today unconsciously contributes to the development of this nation’s civilization (even though they did not physically fight against colonizers like the old fighters),” he wrote.