Support Declarations to Surge Once Anies Enters Jakarta Governor Race

JAKARTA– The 2024 presidential election has ended, but the enthusiasm of Anies Baswedan's volunteers has not waned; instead, it has grown. Anies did not lose. He continues to win because he has successfully carried the spirit of change through the political constellation of the 2024 presidential election with dignity.

Endang Mulyani, a lawyer part of the Dignified Election Consulting 2024, expressed this, Monday, June 10, 2024, in response to their reasons for supporting Anies’s candidacy in the upcoming Jakarta Special Capital Region Gubernatorial Election (DKJ) this November.

“The change advocates among the volunteers will continue to support Anies to persist on the path of change. They still believe that Anies will remain committed to being in the ranks of change and will continue to fight for the idea of change wherever he is, committed not to join Prabowo's cabinet,” said the former two-term Chairperson of the KPUD (Election Commission) of Padang City (2003-2012).

She added that this is particularly significant for Anies himself, in how he is trusted by his supporters that he will not hurt those who have fought for years and sacrificed everything for him to realize change.

“We are determined that the path of change will not die but will continue to be pursued and requires commitment and a strategy capable of realizing it. One of the strategies is through the simultaneous local elections for province, district, and city heads in 2024,” said the wife of the former KPU Chair, Kamil Manik.

She emphasized that the fight for change, though not realized on a national scale, can be achieved through the provinces or districts and cities. Thus, through the 2024 local election escalation, the change advocate volunteers are supporting Anies in the DKJ gubernatorial election.

Mature Consideration

“This comes from mature consideration and is not about moving up or down ranks. It's a constitutional consideration, where the struggle must continue in taking steps through political policies via governmental actions, namely as a regional head at the provincial level,” said the master of law graduate from UI.

Although not national, she added, a regional head is not a presidential appointee. It is a mandate given by the people through local elections, similar to the presidential election, though only at the provincial level.

This is a fight that knows no place or time but continues because it is not about ambition for a position but a strategy and idea of change for the people to be realized. Furthermore, through the elections in 38 provinces and 545 cities and districts, we hope that the mission of change can be realized through other regional candidates who join hands with Anies to achieve the mission of a fair and prosperous Indonesian society for all.

She acknowledged that this is a long road that requires the change advocate volunteers to actively support governor, regent, and mayor candidates in their regions who embrace the mission of change as championed by Anies.

“Once again, the change advocates through the United Change Advocates Forum (Forbes Indonesia) will support Mr. Anies for DKJ 1. Change must be realized irrespective of place and time because it's not about the position, but how change can truly impact the community through the policies of Governor Anies Rasyid Baswedan in the future in DKJ 1,” said Endang.

Anies's victory in DKJ, she added, will nurture the spirit of warriors to safeguard the hope of national struggle in the 2029 presidential election. “There is no giving up in fighting for change for the welfare of the people,” concluded Endang Mulyani.