Anies Baswedan-Budi Djiwandono Pair Strengthens Jakarta as a City of Collaboration

JAKARTA– The 2024 Presidential Election has concluded with the confirmation of Prabowo-Gibran as the President-elect and Vice President-elect, who will be inaugurated in October 2024. Thus, it is hoped that the dynamics of the 2024 Presidential Election will not influence the 2024 Regional Head Elections (Pilkada), which will be held simultaneously, including in Jakarta this November.

"With the appointment of Prabowo-Gibran as the elected President and Vice President, the presidential election is over. Therefore, the dynamics of the presidential election should also be concluded and not drawn into the dynamics of the simultaneous local elections. Each region has its own dynamics. Likewise, Jakarta. It should be free from the residue of the presidential election dynamics and welcome a new atmosphere for the local elections," explained Musa Dadap, Coordinator of the South Jakarta Youth Forum, on Wednesday, May 22, 2024.

Furthermore, according to Musa, who is also a youth organization activist in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, Jakarta as a City of Collaboration, which was initiated and built previously by Anies, is something that must be preserved and continue to grow and develop. Thus, all social and political community forces can take part in building Jakarta.

"No one is excluded. That's the essence of Jakarta as a City of Collaboration. It means all parties are part of Jakarta's development," he emphasized.

Therefore, he continued, it would be very interesting if Anies as the incumbent could pair with Budi Djiwandono, Deputy Chairman of Gerindra's Central Executive Board, in this Jakarta Governor Election. This pairing would be a combination of PKS as the legislative election winner in Jakarta and Gerindra as the presidential election winner.

"Then Jakarta can become a showcase of the flagship programs of the elected President. Likewise, the synergy and alignment between the Central and Regional Governments will be more conducive. And it is the people, of course, who will benefit from all of this," Musa Dadap concluded.