Grandson of HMI Founder Supports Anies Baswedan for Jakarta Governor

YOGYAKARTA – Tofani Pane, the grandson of Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI) founder Lafran Pane, expressed his delight that Anies Baswedan has been nominated again to run in the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election.

Tofani supports the nomination of the grandson of National Hero AR Baswedan in the Jakarta gubernatorial race based on rationality. "I support this using logic and rationality, just as I did when I supported Anies in the 2024 Presidential Election," he told on Monday, June 17, 2024.

According to him, rationality means based on Anies Baswedan's good track record as a leader. He acknowledged that he learned about Anies's achievements in Jakarta through media or stories from family members living in Jakarta.

"Because I live in Jogja, I don't see it directly. But from those stories, I conclude that Anies Baswedan can fulfill the mandate as a leader," he explained.

Tofani, who resides in Karangkajen, Mergangsan, Yogyakarta City, stated that a good leader is one who can fulfill their mandate, not just focused on power. "A trustworthy leader aims to serve the people, not just specific groups. I think Mr. Anies is a trustworthy figure," he said.

Moreover, Tofani noted that Anies Baswedan is a figure who can embrace all groups, not only Muslims but also non-Muslims, disproving the accusations of intolerance. "Mr. Anies's achievements in Jakarta are also commendable," he added.

Therefore, Tofani supports Anies Baswedan's return to lead Jakarta. "I support him not because of cultural proximity. I wouldn't support someone without the ability. If they aren't good, even if they are close, we don't support them. That's what I mean by supporting rationally," he explained.

Tofani admitted that he does not know Anies Baswedan personally, even though they are both grandsons of National Heroes. However, there is a closeness due to their shared life views and ideology. "Mr. Anies is from HMI, my grandfather founded HMI. This shared worldview makes us feel like family," he revealed.