Here Are the 4 Political Parties Predicted to Support Anies Baswedan in the Jakarta Governor Election

YOGYAKARTA – Professor Dimyati Msi from the State University of Yogyakarta (UNY) states that after PKB supported Anies Baswedan's candidacy in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta (DKJ) Governor Election, other parties are likely to follow suit. Anies himself has declared his readiness to accept this responsibility.

"After PKB announced Mr. Anies as the sole candidate, it seems clear that Anies will run again for Governor," he said when contacted on Friday, June 14, 2024.

According to him, once Anies signaled his intention to run in the DKJ Governor Election, other parties would soon follow PKB. Previously, PKS had also recommended Anies to the PKS Central Board (DPP). Similarly, NasDem Jakarta submitted three names to their DPP, namely Anies Baswedan, Ahmad Sahroni, and Wibi Andrino.

Professor Dimyati said that the three parties from the 2024 Presidential Change Coalition are most likely to continue supporting Anies. These three parties also benefited significantly in Jakarta during the 2024 elections. In the DKI Jakarta Regional Legislative Council, PKB went from five seats to 10, NasDem from seven to 11 seats, and PKS, although stable in numbers, emerged as a winner in Jakarta. "That reason seems to make these three parties support Anies in the Jakarta Governor Election," he revealed.

According to him, one party that is most likely to support Anies is PDIP. "If realized, PDIP supporting Anies, including PKS, has the prospect of creating a positive image. Not only in terms of winning but also for PKS and PDIP themselves," he emphasized.

Professor Dimyati said that traditionally, PDIP is known as a left-leaning party, while PKS leans more to the right. When both coalite, the public will perceive PDIP and PKS as moving towards the center.

"From my observations, that is actually PKS's hope. They have always wanted to change their image from right to center, for example by changing their logo, color, and other elements," he explained.

"The prospect of PDIP and PKS forming a coalition in Jakarta is extraordinarily promising for the future. It's possible that other regions might do something similar," he added.

PKB, PKS, and NasDem

The Jakarta PKB DPW has officially nominated Anies Baswedan for the 2024 Jakarta Election. This is expected to be followed by several other political parties (parpol).

Political analyst Abubakar Solissa sees this opportunity. PKS and NasDem are also predicted to support Anies.

This is due to the harmonious relationship among these three parties since the last Presidential Election in 2024.

"I suspect, besides PKB, PKS and NasDem also have the potential to support Anies," Solissa told KBA News via a Whatsapp message on Friday, June 14, 2024.

Solissa mentioned that they would continue the change agenda in Jakarta, previously proclaimed at the national level.

Now, Solissa sees the Change Coalition likely to be revived with the nomination of Anies as the Governor candidate for Jakarta.

"Therefore, a Change Coalition in the Jakarta Governor Election is likely to be formed," he concluded.