Native Betawi Residents: Choose Anies to Follow Religious Orders and Scholarly Consensus

JAKARTA– Abu Sadeli, Chairman of the Betawi Council, declared their choice of Anies Baswedan as Governor of DKI Jakarta for the first term was based on the Ijtima Ulama (scholarly consensus). On this basis, they plan to do the same in the 2024 gubernatorial election.

He expressed this on Friday, June 21, 2024, explaining why they support Anies. “For the faithful, the consensus of scholars is important both in this world and the hereafter,” stated Abu Sadeli, who also serves as the Secretary-General and Treasurer of the Betawi Champion Association across Greater Jakarta.

He added that in light of plans and suggestions from the community for Anies Baswedan to run again for the 2024-2029 period, he is very supportive. He even opined that Anies is a candidate who meets the necessary religious and democratic qualifications.

“In my personal view, all worldly and political matters, whether it's the governor or president, should be based on the scholarly consensus. That is our guideline. Just as the food in circulation must have a halal certificate from the MUI,” said the resident of South Grogol, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta.

Similarly, for political leaders, he added, their selection must be based on the scholarly consensus. All of this is the result of deliberation among scholars, habaibs, and kiais to decide the best leader to choose.


He emphasized that this principle from the Qur’an relates leadership to responsibilities in both this life and the hereafter. “If we choose the wrong leader, the consequences will extend to the afterlife. If it is based on the scholarly consensus, God willing, the issue of leadership will have guarantees in the presence of God later.

The good and bad behavior of the leader we choose will save us from sin because we are based on the decisions of scholars. Their decisions are surely based on the verses of the Qur’an which instruct us to follow the orders of Allah, the Prophet, and those charged with authority.

“Besides the scholarly consensus, there is evaluation and appreciation. I am confident in choosing Mr. Anies from the first term in 2017. We assess that Anies is a trustworthy leader. What the people of Jakarta, the Muslim community wants, is fulfilled and carried out completely,” he said.

He mentioned that Anies is aware of his responsibilities not only to the electorate but also to God, and thus he acts accordingly. Therefore, the Betawi residents have no doubt about supporting Anies for a second term.