JAKARTA– decision of the PKS to nominate Anies Rasyid Baswedan-Mohamad Sohibul Iman as the gubernatorial and deputy gubernatorial candidates for the 2024 Jakarta election is viewed positively by many. This is because Anies and Sohibul Iman share many similarities, especially in their backgrounds as intellectuals and academicians.
Both individuals, who each hold a doctoral degree, have also served as Rector of Paramadina University. Sohibul Iman led the campus, a legacy of the late Muslim scholar Nurcholish Madjid, first (2006-2007), followed by Anies Baswedan (2007-2015).
When asked for a comment on this matter, the Rector of Paramadina University, Prof. Didik J. Rachbini, explained that Paramadina is a movement of modern Islamic thought but is not apolitical. Therefore, it is open to all groups, including political streams.
"Paramadina is fundamentally a movement of thought, an academic movement, an intellectual movement, a modern Islamic movement, tolerant, open from a community led by Nurcholis Madjid," he explained when contacted on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.
"The people there are intellectuals who are not apolitical. They are politically aware. Thus, many from Paramadina enter politics. And that is okay. Because at Paramadina, it is open to any ethnicity, any religion, any stream. But when entering Paramadina, one does not engage in politics," continued the senior economist.
Therefore, besides Anies Baswedan and Sohibul Iman, many other Paramadina figures have entered politics. Such as M. Jusuf Kalla (Golkar), Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Paramadina Endowment Foundation, General Treasurer Sandiaga Uno (PPP), and Advisor Sudirman Said who is also eyeing the governor's seat of DKI Jakarta.
"So there's Golkar's Mr. JK, there's from Gerindra now PPP Mr. Sandiaga Uno, PKS Mr. Sohibul Iman. I myself am from PAN. And there's also from PDIP. Tia Rahmania, former dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Civilization was elected (as a member of DPR) from PDIP electoral district of Banten," explained the academic who graduated from IPB (BSc) and Central Luzon State University, Philippines for his Masters and PhD.
He even added that the founder of Paramadina, affectionately known as Cak Nur, once intended to dive into practical politics when he was going to participate in the presidential candidate convention from the Golkar Party ahead of the 2004 presidential election. Although the prominent intellectual figure, who was then rector, eventually also withdrew because he was asked for money.
"So Paramadina is a melting pot movement, now that democracy is open as it is today, anyone can join. That’s fine. But when entering Paramadina, one does not engage in politics," said the former member of the DPR RI who also once ran as deputy governor of Jakarta alongside PKS figure Hidayat Nur Wahid.
Rational Choice
The Rector of Paramadina University considers the PKS's decision to nominate Anies Baswedan-Sohibul Iman as gubernatorial and deputy gubernatorial candidates for the 2024 Jakarta election to be appropriate. Besides their compatibility, they also have a great chance of winning.
"It is a rational political choice by PKS. The party’s political strategists are quite good. Thus, the choice of Anies as governor and Sohibul Iman as deputy is both intuitive and calculated. The likelihood of winning is great, more than the others," he explained when contacted by KBA News on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.
"So in my view, this is quite a surprising strategy by PKS during this election period," continued the senior economist who graduated from IPB (BSc) and Central Luzon State University, Philippines for his Masters and PhD.
However, according to him, the PKS's support for Anies as a gubernatorial candidate is actually continuing the political cooperation that both parties have built since the Jakarta gubernatorial election in 2017 up to the most recent presidential election in 2024. Moreover, their bond has strengthened because PKS gained a 'coat-tail effect' from supporting Anies as a presidential candidate, thus increasing their votes, especially in Jakarta during the 2024 elections.
"This is a continuation of the PKS's coalition cooperation with Anies in the 2024 presidential election, which resulted in PKS dominating the votes in Jakarta again. So the effect of Anies on PKS is quite strong. Thus, this is only a repetition," he detailed.
He also believes that Anies-Sohibul Iman would work well together if elected to lead Jakarta. Because both have many similarities. Especially both having backgrounds as intellectuals and academicians. Even Anies-Sohibul Iman were both former Rectors of Paramadina University.
Sohibul Iman led the campus, a legacy of the late Muslim scholar Nurcholish Madjid, first (2006-2007), then followed by Anies Baswedan (2007-2015). "So both of them, if elected, will connect chemically. There will be no more controversy between the governor and his deputy or like the president and his deputy," he said.
Anies-Sohibul Iman is also appropriate to lead Jakarta even though it is no longer the capital city. Indeed, both who studied at renowned campuses abroad are even more suitable to helm Jakarta because it is prepared to become a national economic center and a global city according to the Special Jakarta Region Law (DKJ).
"Because Jakarta, although no longer the capital, will be a strong area like New York which is bigger than Washington DC (the capital of the USA)," concluded Prof. Didik J. Rachbini.