Support for Anies Baswedan to Run in 2024 Jakarta Governor Election Continues to Grow

JAKARTA– National figure Anies Baswedan is expected in the race for the 2024 Jakarta Special Region (DKJ) governor candidacy, garnering widespread support from Jakarta residents and volunteers across various regions.

Slamet Jaya, Chairman of the Jakarta Voter Community Alliance (AMPIJA), is a longtime supporter of Anies. He emphasized, “We have been supporting Mr. Anies as Governor in Jakarta since seven years ago. Our alliance always knew the capacity of Mr. Anies Baswedan, who had an extraordinary character for Jakarta at that time.”

He urges the NasDem Party to officially endorse Anies, stating, “We now plead with the NasDem Party to support Mr. Anies as DKJ 1.”

Felia Primaresti from The Indonesian Institute highlights Anies as a potent gubernatorial candidate due to his strong political standing. “It's quite natural for Anies to still be the strongest candidate in the Jakarta gubernatorial election,” she remarked, noting the necessity of robust party backing for his candidacy.

Rosi Meri, leader of the Minang community in Jakarta, asserts the community's readiness to support Anies. “We from West Sumatra are ready to support Mr. Anies as governor of Jakarta. Rumah Bagonjong is indeed a volunteer group based on ethnic and regional Minang lines, but Minang people are not only in Padang, many reside in Jakarta and become citizens of DKJ,” she stated, believing a fair election would undoubtedly result in Anies leading Jakarta for a second term.

Ahmad Jakwanse from the Jawara Srengseng Bersatu, a community organization in Jakarta, praised Anies's past tenure: “Because Mr. Anies is an incumbent who must be fought for, who must be supported by the people of Jakarta. His performance over the past five years, attested by many international accolades, speaks for itself,” he asserted during a discussion in Gondangdia, Jakarta.

Additionally, the formation of the Forbes Alliance, a new volunteer coalition supporting Anies, underscores the broad grassroots support and strategic significance of the DKJ governorship as a potential springboard for the 2029 Presidential Election.

Dr. Legisan Samtafsir, a key figure in the Forbes movement, stated, “We are also organizing a national meeting of the Forbes Change which will take place on May 26, launching the Forbes Change, and God willing, it will be attended by national figures including Mr. Anies and other national leaders.”

This robust support across community leaders and strategic planning by political coalitions illustrates the potential and readiness for Anies Baswedan's candidacy in the upcoming Jakarta Governor Election, signaling a significant political movement within the capital region.

The continuous and diverse support for Anies Baswedan underscores a significant mobilization behind his potential candidacy for the 2024 Jakarta Governor Election.

With endorsements from community leaders, strategic alliances among volunteer groups, and a strong foundation of previous success, Anies is positioned as a formidable candidate.

This collective backing reflects not only his popularity and the trust he has garnered but also the strategic importance of his leadership in shaping the future of Jakarta.

As the political landscape evolves, Anies Baswedan remains at the forefront, symbolizing the aspirations and hopes of many Jakartans for continued progress and dynamic governance.